…Discover how Erin helped husband Korey get the right treatment through CTOAM and beat his stage 4 cancer!

Today I want to share with you a story of hope. 

Erin and Korey Hazelwood first heard the “c-word” nine years ago…

Just in his early 40s, Korey was a successful airplane pilot, based in Alberta with wife Erin and their three young children. 

Several years went by and the diagnosis escalated to a rare and complex stage IV cancer.

They were told at the time that there were no options left…

But they refused to accept this.

Instead, they held onto hope.

Through her own self-advocacy and research, Erin found our team of precision cancer medicine experts and reached out for help in 2019. 

Our lead specialist, Alex Rolland, quickly got Korey the life-saving treatment he needed!

In fact, Alex was able to convince Korey’s doctor to try immune therapy, despite her being initially opposed to it – and telling Korey there were no more options for him – and our advocacy team was able to get it fully covered for Erin and Korey!

Since then, Korey has been living a high quality of life with his family.

In this interview with our team, Erin shares what she has learned through helping her husband survive a complex and rare stage 4 cancer diagnosis. 

How Erin’s Husband Korey Beat Stage 4 Cancer with the Help of CTOAM

Thank you so much to Erin and Korey for their courage to share their story in the hopes of helping other patients and loved ones. 

You can watch Korey’s interview with our team to hear his perspective on his journey. 

He also shared his story last year at a nation-wide cancer conference. Watch how he emphasizes the importance of advocating for yourself

What I want you to take away from Erin’s story is her emphasis on perseverance…

Specifically, Erin encourages you to keep looking for options. Even if your doctor says there’s nothing left, or if they’re not giving you what you want. 

99% of the time there are numerous FDA and ESMO approved options that have not been identified or offered to you. 

Don’t give up hope. 

Keep seeking – and advocating for – better diagnostics, better treatments.

And if you want support, reach out to our team. That’s what we’re here for.

Want to learn more about what is possible for you in cancer treatment today?

There are several ways to get started with our Precision Cancer Medicine services.

1. Learn more about your options: Book a Free 30-min Cancer Care Consultation with our team

2. Get a Complete Treatment Options Review: Register for a Precision Second Opinion with expert Alex Rolland

3. Become empowered to advocate for better care: Join our Cancer: Just the Facts online support program (free)

Published by on August 10, 2024