Prostate cancer impacts so many of us…we are truly all in this together.

And here at Cancer Treatment Option and Management (aka “C-TOAM”), we believe that sharing the newest science-based information on treatment options and diagnostics is one of the best ways to help someone navigate their cancer journey.

That’s why our cancer expert, Alex Rolland, frequently gives presentations to different cancer groups and organizations to share his knowledge and new information on Precision Cancer Medicine. 🩺

Coming up soon, Alex will be giving a nation-wide live presentation all about…

“Brand-new Advancements in Prostate Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis

Hosted by Prostate Cancer Support Canada and the Prostate Cancer Foundation of British Columbia.

It’s all happening on August 29th at 11am to 1pm PDT. 

Learn more and register here!

So please share this upcoming special event with anyone you know who has been affected by this disease. 

Watch last year’s presentation:

Last year marked the beginning of this partnership, when the Prostate Cancer Foundation of British Columbia first invited Alex Rolland to share his knowledge and help patients and loved ones understand the newest treatment options for prostate cancer and how to access them…

And it was so successful that they invited Alex back…

This time to do an even larger, nation-wide presentation for the whole of Canada!

So please share this event with anyone you know who might benefit.

Just share this blog post with them or give them the direct link to register:

Get Help Now

If you’d like to find out what your best treatment options are, no matter what type of cancer you have, register for a Precision Second Opinion with Alex Rolland.

Published by on August 2, 2023