Does intermittent fasting prevent cancer?
You might’ve heard the term swirling around recently…
Intermittent fasting has been gaining popularity in the past few years – not just for weight control, but for longevity and overall health.
But does it help to prevent, or treat, cancer?
That’s the big question that you probably want to know.
Here’s what our cancer expert, Alex Rolland, has to say about intermittent fasting and its impact on cancer…
First of all, what IS intermittent fasting?
Generally speaking, intermittent fasting implies a) a reduction of your usual caloric intake by about two thirds and b) eating within a finite period of time during the day and fasting for the other period.
For example, a common ratio (and one that has been studied a lot) is to have a 6-hour window for eating with an 18-hour period of fasting.
But this can vary: some people might do an 8-hour eating window with a 16-hour fast, while others may opt for a 4-hour eating window with a 20-hour fast.
It’s up to you and what feels best for your body.
And, you don’t need to do it every day…even just twice a week of intermittent can produce benefits.
So what does our research scientist, Alex, think about intermittent fasting?
Well, Alex says he’s “a big fan of intermittent fasting” – and with good reason.
(He’s been following studies on it for the past 40 years!)
Research shows that intermittent fasting – and reducing your caloric intake – can help you to live longer…
Because it causes your metabolism to slow down and lowers your body’s stem cell reproduction.
And you’re putting less pressure on your digestive system in general.
This is really helpful because digestion is actually super taxing on the body…
Plus, since you’re digesting less food, it means you’re also digesting less bile and producing less insulin.
Why does that matter?
Well it turns out that bile is a huge carcinogen and cancer cells love insulin…
So reducing those has a positive effect on preventing cancer!
Intermittent fasting also helps to lower the plaque in your arteries, lower your cholesterol, and helps you to retain good health as you age.
On top of all that? Most of the studies have found that intermittent fasting can increase the survival rate of a species by up to 40%!
So clearly there are a fair number of science-backed reasons why someone might consider trying it.
And, having said all of that…
Like any drastic diet change, intermittent fasting is not for everyone.
You should absolutely consult your doctor before making any dietary changes, especially the more extreme ones like this.
And remember that any dietary changes must feel right for your mind and spirit, too – not just your physical body (though that’s also essential!).
There’s no ultimate ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ when it comes to the foods you choose to consume.
As always, it just comes down to gathering as much information as possible about what the best choices are for you and your situation…
And then deciding for yourself what feels right.
This cancer thing is NOT easy. But simple lifestyle changes can have a big impact on your chances of a speedy recovery. Really.
So explore all your options and keep making small shifts to better support your body, mind, and spirit through this all…
And if you would like to get a personalized, science-back diet designed specifically for your unique cancer type, reach out to us anytime.
on June 30, 2021