Each year, 9.6 million people die of cancer. In fact, cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide. But did you know that up to 3.7 million lives could be saved each year through prevention, early detection, and fast & precise treatment?
In this issue, we are going to focus on early cancer detection and how Precision Oncology – the most scientifically advanced cancer care available – can help you, and your loved ones, detect cancer as early as possible.
CTOAM exists to support cancer patients around the globe to access the very best cancer care available, from anywhere in the world, right where you live. Helping cancer patients and their families to be aware of all their options is crucial to CTOAM’s goal of saving lives and improving cancer care for everyone.
Check out Issue 11 of the CTOAM newsletter to discover how early cancer detection can help you and your loved ones.
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How Precision Oncology Helps You Detect Cancer as Early as Possible
Did You Inherit Cancer Causing Genes?
Many of us have had a blood relative with cancer. Some the mutations that caused their cancer might be inherited and, if so, they can increase your chances of developing cancer as well.
If Cancer Runs in the Family…

For instance, if you have a direct blood relative (like a parent) who had colon cancer, there are ways for you to tell if you are at risk for the cancer too.
Once you know if you have a certain inherited (and potentially cancer causing) mutation, there are numerous, simple preventative measures you could be taking.
How Can You Find Out if You Have Inherited Mutations?
Wouldn’t it be good to know for certain if you carry any of these known inherited mutations?
This information can save you years of invasive screening processes (like colonoscopies) and chronic anxiety as you wonder ‘when’ you will develop cancer yourself. Because, you may not even have that mutation – and if you do, you can now get a state of the art, personalized, prevention program including genetic monitoring with a simple, affordable blood test.
When Cancer is Detected EARLY, Your Chances of Recovering From It are Proven to be Much, Much Higher. A liquid biopsy can monitor your inherited genes with extreme accuracy: it’s able to detect cancer much earlier than any imaging or screening process.
What is the Best Inherited Mutations Test?
You may have seen that some genetic testing companies that started out specializing in ancestry, such as 23 and Me, are now branching out into genetic testing for inherited cancers.
However, these tests give incomplete information and are not always accurate. If you want to find out if you have any genetic predispositions to cancer, we strongly encourage you to use a test that provides the most accurate results. It is important that your results are analyzed by an expert, not a computer program.
There have also been privacy concerns with these companies being obligated to share information on patient test results with insurance companies who can then deny medical coverage.
Testing with a Canada-based medical company, like CTOAM, ensures that your genetic sequencing data receives with the highest level of privacy and protection. Your genetic sequencing results are never shared with anyone without your direct consent.
Order a Test Today

Are you interested in Inherited Mutations Testing? Find out more about our Prevention Package and get a personalized genetic monitoring test designed just for you.
You gain priceless peace of mind about your chances of developing an inherited cancer, as well as personalized recommendations for your best path to prevent cancer.
Register for a Precision Second Opinion today to discover how our Inherited Mutations Test can help you and your family.
Annual Monitoring
Annual monitoring can be used if you have already identified an inherited gene, or if you have had cancer and want to monitor regularly for recurrences.
Annual monitoring uses liquid biopsies to test for levels of a specific genetic mutation in your blood.
Liquid biopsies – a simple, affordable blood test – can detect changes in genetic mutations way before a cancerous tumour would be seen with imaging. When cancer is detected in its earliest stages, the chances of progression are much smaller, and the patient’s chances of survival are dramatically increased.
For more information on how Annual Monitoring can help you, register for a Precision Second Opinion today.

Many cancers are profoundly impacted by diet and lifestyle behaviours. For some cancers, preventative actions – like a nutraceutical diet or targeted exercise program – have been shown to reduce the chance of cancer developing by 80%+.
If you’ve already had genetic sequencing done (either for inherited mutations or because you’ve already had cancer), a nutraceutical diet and targeted diet plan can be specifically designed for you, for cancer prevention.
A nutraceutical diet is not a regular diet plan. Instead, it’s based solely on your genetics and personalized research on which foods are scientifically proven to help prevent or slow the development of cancer.
Our Nutraceutical Diet and Targeted Exercise Program can dramatically reduce your chances of developing an inherited cancer.
And for those who have already had cancer, ensuring you are having the right nutraceuticals in your daily diet can go a long way to prevent cancer from coming back.
Speak to a cancer expert to discover how nutraceuticals can help you! Register for a Precision Second Opinion today.
→ Find Out How Precision Oncology Can Help YOU!
Betty’s Colon Cancer Success Story

Betty is a 65-year-old woman from British Columbia, Canada, who was originally treated for stage IV metastatic colon cancer. Her doctors had tried the standard treatments for her disease including surgery, the chemotherapy protocols of FOLFIRI and FOLFOX, and the EGFR targeted drug panitumumab.
However, Betty did not respond well to these standard protocols: a recent CT imaging scan ordered by Betty’s oncologist showed that her disease was progressing.
Betty had endured surgery, multiple rounds of chemotherapy, and ineffective targeted drugs that left her with multiple side effects. Since her disease had not responded to standard treatments, her oncologist told her they’d run out of treatment options for her. She was told to get her affairs in order.
Betty wasn’t ready to accept this outcome – so she reached out to CTOAM.
→ Read more about Betty’s cancer journey

Supposed “Cure” for Cancer Unlikely – But Precision Oncology Brings Hope!
A news story broke the other day, claiming that a team of Israeli scientists had found a complete cure for cancer that would be available within a year.
Sounds incredible, right? There’s only one problem: anytime you see something that claims to be a cure for cancer, you should always approach it with skepticism. The idea of a ‘complete cure for cancer’ is fundamentally problematic when you understand what cancer actually is.
Science Based Medicine explains:
“Cancer is not one disease, but a category including many related diseases. Different cancers involve different tissues, different mutations, and different behaviors and features. While some treatments are effective against a variety of cancers, there is no one treatment effective against all cancers (let alone a cure for all cancers).”
→ Read more: How to Tell if Something You Read about Cancer is True
Knowledge Is Power

With cancer, time is of the essence. Discover how you can live longer with Precision Oncology: Register for a Precision Second Opinion today!
You have nothing to lose and years to gain.
If you have any questions, please contact us anytime.
CTOAM Cancer Care Consultants
Science and Support For All Things Cancer
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on February 13, 2019