Pretty much everyone dreads finding out they, or a loved one, have cancer. But that’s not even the worst part of a cancer diagnosis – what’s more stressful is wondering about cancer misdiagnosis. No fun.
Read on to hear what happened to Gerry and how our research scientists at CTOAM were able to help.
Gerry’s Cancer Misdiagnosis Story
Gerry had been going about his life as usual. He worked an office day job that he liked, at a large company with decent health benefits. His wife, along with their two young boys, were the light of his life. Things were good.
But after a routine work physical exam, everything changed. Gerry was given the news that no one ever wants to hear.
A nightmare come true…
The CT scan showed a dark shadow near his lungs.
“Stage 3 lung cancer”, Gerry was told.
The physical had been done through a reputable health insurance service. His local cancer clinic confirmed the diagnosis.
Gerry started on chemo immediately. For his family, it was a worst case scenario come to life.
6 months of chemo treatments came and went. Gerry was scheduled for more, but he started feeling confused and reluctant to continue.
You see, aside from the chemo side effects – which, to be clear, were no joke – Gerry felt completely fine the whole time. He had no symptoms at all.
So Gerry wanted more information. He wanted to make sure the cancer treatment was actually working…and, if it wasn’t working, he wanted to know what his other options were.
A friend had recommended ‘the good folks at CTOAM’ to him. Gerry called us.

Using PET/CT to get to the truth
We immediately set up a PET/CT scan for Gerry at a clinic in his local town. The appointment was for the following day.
48 hours after that, we had the results.
Guess what…
Gerry did NOT have cancer!
Cancer misdiagnosis – why it happens
The CT scan had been wrongly interpreted by both the health insurance clinic doctor and the cancer clinic oncologists. Gerry had been misdiagnosed!
He never had cancer. And he certainly did not have it now.
Gerry and his family have never been so shocked or so happy.
But…they’d endured months of totally unnecessary chemo treatments. They’d been through endless hours of worry and stress. Sleepless nights. Wondering what tomorrow would bring. How would they manage. What they should do…
You know, all those swirling thoughts that keep you up at night. For nothing.

Knowledge is power
If Gerry had gotten a PET/CT from the start, it would’ve been obvious there was nothing wrong.
To recap: within five days of his Second Opinion consultation with us, Gerry had the information that he’d been unable to get on his own. Information that he should’ve had 6 months earlier.
Information that literally gave him his life back and ended the nightmare of his cancer diagnosis in the best possible way.
It’s really sad to say but we have many, many stories about misdiagnoses – and, unfortunately, most of them do not end up like Gerry’s…
Instead what happens is that cancer goes undetected for too long or mistaken for a different type.
And this is ultimately a much, much sadder thing because often it means that by the time the correct diagnosis is made, the cancer is already too far advanced or at best the person is faced with a much smaller chance at recovering. Through no fault of their own.
How to prevent this from happening to YOU!
So, what can you do to guarantee an accurate diagnosis?
THE most important thing you can do is to get a PET/CT (or PET/MRI) and genetic testing, and to have those results analyzed by a real expert in the field.
The sooner, the better. Period.
Get the free ebook on cancer care
If you want to learn more about the 7 crucial elements that will ensure you have the best chance at beating cancer, asap, you can get our ebook here (it’s free!)
✅ Get the ebook: “7 ways to beat cancer, now”
And you can always call us for a free strategy session or book a second opinion with our cancer expert & research scientist Alex Rolland.
As we always say…when it comes to cancer, knowledge is power!
on August 19, 2020