A doctor writing Stop Cancer Now on a clear wall in black marker.

Our understanding of cancer is growing each day! Discover why targeted treatments for cancer offer patients better survival rates, with fewer and less severe side effects.

Check out the first issue of our CTOAM newsletter to see the top life-saving advancements in cancer! Or, read more below.

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How Targeted Treatments Can Save Your Life

Over the past decade, cancer specialists and researchers have begun to realize that cancer treatment needs to focus less on where it is in the body and more on what is causing it to grow. When we perform genetic sequencing for a cancer patient we can now isolate the mutated gene(s) that are driving their cancer. Targeted treatment then matches the mutated gene(s) to a specific therapy that has been designed and proven to target that gene.

Close-up of light blue DNA with shiny spots flowing through space with other DNA strands.

How Is This Life-Saving?

Targeted treatments continue to demonstrate improved outcomes and survival rates. For example, “in trials using precision medicine, tumour shrinkage rates were 30.6% compared with only 4.9% in those that did not.”

Because targeted treatments only target the cells with your specific mutated gene(s), while leaving the remainder of your healthy cells to thrive, there are also fewer and less severe side-effects during and after treatment. Yale Cancer Center’s chief of medical oncology, Dr. Roy Herbst, agrees that precision medicine is “about targeting treatment so that it’s more powerful, while reducing the toxicity, so there are fewer side-effects.”

Conventional chemotherapy and radiation, on the other hand, do not discriminate between the cancer cells and the healthy cells which leads to increased side-effects, (such as nausea, hair loss and fatigue), higher chances of cancer recurrences, and less favourable outcomes and survival rates.

See real life success stories on how CTOAM has used Targeted Treatments to change lives.

Lisa’s Breast Cancer Success Story with Targeted Treatments

Lisa, 54, was diagnosed with ER positive breast cancer. After surgery to remove the tumours, it was discovered that the cancer had spread to her spine and skull. After four rounds of radiation, the doctors didn’t know what else to do. That’s when she found CTOAM. Find out how CTOAM helped Lisa get the targeted treatment she needed – for free! She’s now doing better than ever. Hear Lisa’s personal thoughts on the targeted drugs and CTOAM experience in our interview with her.

Discover the ‘Right’ Foods to Eat for Cancer Recovery

There’s a lot of information swirling around about the ‘right’ foods to eat for cancer treatment, management, and prevention. CTOAM approaches nutrition the same way as we approach drug treatments: our cancer experts look to medical science to show us the facts about what works and what doesn’t

Healthy food like salmon and nuts spread out on a wooden table.

If you want to learn more about how targeted therapies can benefit you, register for a Precision Second Opinion with our medical team today! And discover how you can access these life-saving treatments, immediately.

What if you could instantly & easily add world-renowned experts to your cancer care team? With CTOAM, you can. Join the millions of cancer patients around the world who have benefited from the most advanced tests and treatments that medical science has to offer.

CTOAM, Precision Oncology Specialists: Join the evolution of cancer care.
Published by on March 16, 2018