By now, you probably know that we love to empower cancer patients and their loved ones.
It’s really, ultimately, what we do here at Cancer Treatment Options and Management (or, as we like to say, C-TOAM).
That’s why I made this cancer advocacy webinar for you…
It’s all about the realities of our healthcare system and how you can advocate for better cancer care.
Plus, I pull back the curtain on our step-by-step roadmap for 7 new ways to beat cancer.
This is the same system that CTOAM’s Research Scientist, Alex Rolland, has used to prepare treatment plans for oncologists at renowned treatment centres and hospitals all over the world! (Including The Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins, and MD Anderson.)
I’ll show you how we do it, and how you can do it too, even if you’ve have struggled to get better cancer care in the past.
What Will You Get From our Cancer Advocacy Webinar?
In less than 1 hour, you’ll learn how to:
- Get the most advanced diagnostic testing and, therefore, the most accurate diagnosis – aka the critical element for a successful treatment plan.
- Uncover more treatment options through comprehensive genetic testing (tissue and blood-based).
Access the newest FDA and/or Health Canada approved treatments, as well as FDA and/or Health Canada approved off-label options and innovative treatment combinations, proven to work better than your current treatment.
- Find the best treatment options for you and start your treatment plan ASAP.
- And much, much more…
Just imagine…in just less than 1 month from now, you could be starting on the treatment that will give you your entire life back within a year!
Really. (Just ask Korey or Annette…)
I’ve spent over a decade in the trenches, on the front lines figuring this stuff out, and I am excited to share it with you.
So in case you haven’t seen it yet…
This is your invitation to make the time, now!
Grab a pen and paper and take notes…
Then email us afterwards with any questions or concerns that came up for you.
Did you have any big “ah-ha” moments? I’d love to hear your feedback and thoughts.
Knowledge IS power.
Understanding all of your options is the ONLY way to ensure you’re getting the best cancer care.
on July 14, 2021