You’re not alone.

It’s true…

55% of cancer patients in Canada are experiencing treatment & testing delays these.

A recent article by the Canadian Cancer Survivor Network reveals that even after cancer services have resumed, over half of cancer patients are still reporting that their treatment, tests, and appointments have been cancelled or postponed…

“Respondents said they had to wait an average of 34 days to reschedule cancelled or postponed in-person appointments, and 52 days to reschedule surgery and other procedures.”

As I have talked about many times before, the sad reality is…even without COVID, cancer treatment wait times are far too long to begin with.

You know as well as I do – you need access to proper diagnostics and treatment, NOW. 

You need your cancer gone as soon as humanly possible.

And you don’t want to have to deal with the emotional challenges of having to wait months for crucial test results, or to even get the test in the first place. 

(And if the test you’re waiting for is an ultrasound or a CT scan, then it’s not even going to provide you with sufficient detail anyway…)

It’s beyond frustrating.

This is the stuff that keeps me up at night. 

And I know it likely keeps you up, too.

Cancer treatment wait times must improve…

And the President and CEO of the Canadian Cancer Survivor Network, Jackie Manthorne, agrees with us…

In the article above, she says:

“Cancer can’t wait. It can’t be cancelled or postponed. We now know that the huge physical, psychological and financial impact of dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, while also facing cancer, has put these Canadians in double jeopardy.”

I speak to cancer patients who are suffering from this each day…

Our CTOAM Team gets far too many phone calls and messages from cancer patients, from all across the country, desperately wondering if we can help them get faster care.

It breaks my heart. 

But I also know that I have something hopeful that I can tell them.

CTOAM’s cancer experts can absolutely help you get faster access to diagnostics and treatments.

And, just as importantly…

Our experts will ensure you get the most accurate diagnostics and the very best treatment for your cancer – as in, newer treatments that your public oncologist won’t even know to offer you without the proof from our research scientists.

We’ve helped hundreds of patients get the treatment they needed, when standard care had left them with no options.

Like one of our patients, Lisa, who says:

“I’ve just trusted in the medical system in this country forever…and I was really surprised to find that by going to CTOAM I could get the drugs I actually need versus the drugs my local cancer agency could give me.”

But you need to advocate for it. And in order to do that, you need comprehensive genetic testing results analyzed by an expert plus personalized research…aka what CTOAM specializes in.

So today I want you to know two things:

First, you are not alone. Waiting is hell. It sucks. And I’m so sorry you’re having to go through it, or have had to in the past.

Two, if you do want to get your treatment happening faster, or ensure you’re getting the very best treatment, register for a Precision Second Opinion with our lead cancer expert, Alex Rolland.

Please remember…

Speed and accuracy are the two biggest factors in cancer treatment success. Period.

We’re here to help.

Published by on March 31, 2021