What is Precision Oncology?

And when should you start using it in your cancer care?

This is a question I get asked a LOT.

Many folks wait until things go from bad to worse to start looking for newer, more effective, evidence-based cancer care options – also known as Precision Oncology.

In fact, you may even be asking yourself…

What the heck does Michelle actually mean by “Precision Oncology”?

In a nutshell, this is what we’re referring to when we talk about Precision Oncology:

🔹 Comprehensive genetic testing: As in, a full panel that looks at at a minimum of 350 genes and, ideally, over 500. And don’t just take the raw test data that some outdated computer program generated for your doctor! If you’re going to spend money to ensure you get the best care, then you must use the best tests possible and have an expert analyze the results for you personally. Otherwise it’s just glorified standard care and you are missing so many important details and options for treatment. RNA sequencing is also recommended.

🔹 Expert analysis of your results: Identifying the genes that have mutated and caused your cancer with tumour DNA sequencing is just one of the very first steps you need. To make the best use of your genetic information, and the most current medical science, you need an expert in genetics and personalized medicine to explore all the important variables in your case, not just your tumour DNA results.

🔹 PET/CT imaging: The most accurate imaging scan for cancer is PET/CT – and, ideally, you should not have surgery, nor engage in treatment, until you get PET/CT imaging to find out exactly where your cancer is in your body…as well as which tumours are most aggressive and need to be surgically removed or targeted first for radiation.

🔹 Personalized research: This involves in-depth research that looks at your genetic test results and the newest treatments that will work for your unique form of cancer.

🔹 Precision treatment monitoring: This includes PET/CT and a blood-based genetic test, designed for your unique set of mutations – also known as liquid biopsy – to measure exactly how well your treatment is working.

Here’s a little infographic to help explain what I mean.

And, in order to get all these different parts of Precision Oncology working together for you, we are here to provide all of the elements listed above and ensure you have:

🔸 An expert to correspond with your oncologist and ensure they’re up-to-date on all of your test results and new treatment options, so they can do everything possible to get you the best treatment immediately.

🔸 Advocacy support so you can access these treatments as soon as possible, and for as little cost as possible. There’s almost always a way to get even the priciest treatments fully covered nowadays IF you have the necessary data to prove you’d benefit from it….This is what Cancer Treatment Options and Management (CTOAM) is all about!

When Should You Start Using Precision Oncology?

Okay, now that we’re on the same page about what Precision Oncology is, let’s come back to the original question…

When is the best time to start using Precision Oncology in your cancer care?

Another way of putting that is: when should you start to look beyond what standard care has to offer you?

The answer is simple –

As soon as you think you might have cancer. 

In other words?


You may have seen me mention this equation before…

Cancer treatment success depends on two main factors:

Speed + accuracy.

CTOAM Precision Oncology provides you with the accuracy and speed to ensure you don’t waste anytime on the wrong treatment; that you don’t experience any unnecessary side-effects; and that you get the best possible outcome from your treatment without having to travel or even change doctors.

CTOAM can always help you access the necessary tests and treatments way faster than with standard care. I’m talking many months, if not years, faster. And that means you avoid unnecessary metastases, surgeries, and treatments and live a longer, healthier life.

So, now is always the right time to start using Precision Oncology in your cancer care.

You’ve probably seen some of our client testimonials and you know that we’ve helped many folks with stage IV cancer to fully recover, or folks who’ve come to us after 10 or even 15 years after first being diagnosed. That’s because Precision Oncology can almost always give cancer patients more time, and better quality of life, no matter what stage a patient is at.


When you use Precision Oncology from the very beginning – or, at least as soon as you realize that it’s an option available to you – you give yourself a far better chance of beating cancer quickly and of remaining as healthy as possible for many years to come.

Starting with Precision Oncology now can make ALL the difference.

There are so many things in life that we can’t control. And, as you know, getting cancer is one of them.

What you can control is the options you seek out, and when.

I’m writing you today to encourage you to take the time-factor seriously. 

Because I don’t want you to have regrets.

I hear from way too many people, “I just wish I would’ve known about you sooner…” 

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if, instead, you could say to me, “I’m so glad I signed up for your program when I did! Because now I’m doing great.”

If you know right now that you want the very best treatment possible, anywhere in the world, without having to travel or pay out-of-pocket for your treatment, the first step is to book a Precision Second Opinion with our cancer expert, Alex Rolland. 🧬 He’ll make sure you know what your options are right now, today, and his team will help your oncologist prescribe them for you!

Or, if you just want to learn more about what Precision Oncology is in general, I offer a 30-min Free Strategy Session to ensure you are well educated about what is possible through medical science today and how to get the best possible treatment asap.

And, as part of our commitment to ensure every cancer patient and advocate is as well educated as possible, we also have a ton of free educational videos on Alex’s YouTube channel, The Cancer Guy. Take a look and explore the ones that are relevant to your cancer.

Published by on March 20, 2022